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Learn How Easy It Is To Apply For Your China Work Visa [Case Study]

by Bobby Lee | 17 November 2015

How we make China work visa application easy in our case study here!Making A China Work Visa Application Anyone?

Those wishing to come to China in search of a job or specifically for employment purposes have to apply for a China work visa and its various permits. This is a process that involves a number of complicated steps, not to mention dealing with any one of a number of problems that may rear their ugly heads during the application.

Anyone that has tried processing their work visa for China by themselves knows exactly how troublesome and lengthy the whole process can be. Apart from collecting, verifying and submitting of a number of documents to various government departments, applicants are required to go for a body check-up at a hospital (if they apply within China), visit the local Public Security Bureau for an interview with the relevant authorities, and may even be subjected to a spot check at their place of employment for further questioning.

This whole process may take anywhere between 2-3 months to complete and there really is no 100% guarantee that one's application will be successfully processed. For this reason many seek out the help of visa consultancy services. These consultancies often promise a lot more than what is actually within their means, and more 'fake' consultancies are coming out of the woodwork leaving foreigners with lighter pockets and potentially bigger problems.

This brings us to the Hongda China work visa case study. Below you will find a short excerpt out of our case study that follows the story of an ordinary foreign businessman and his struggle to obtain a work visa for himself, and ensure the continued stay of his growing family in China after being duped by a visa consultancy...

Hongda China visa case study

China work visa case study

The consultancy he was using at the time, inexplicably canceled his current visa as opposed to simply transferring it, or at the very least recommending that he should wait until the hiatus on new visas was over before changing it, thus making it very difficult for him to get a new visa, and nearly impossible for his wife to get hers either.

The pressure of the imminent arrival of his first child, coupled with the struggle
of having to secure his family’s future stay in China was weighing heavily on Sam. He felt like he couldn’t speak with a lawyer because they could rarely understand what he needed and often couldn’t deliver. Consultancies he had dealings with in the past would often make promises, but would rarely deliver on their recommended solutions. Often times they would say that the client would “win” despite the fact that they knew that wouldn’t be possible.

It was around this particularly troubled time that Sam met Angel, Chief Consultant at Hongda. It was a chance meeting in an elevator of a residential building that they coincidentally both stayed in. Angel stepped into the lift and overheard a conversation Sam was having discussing his issues and asked if he needed help. It was to be their first meeting, with meetings to follow in more professional settings at their respective offices to help address his problems...


Find out what makes Hongda different!

Click below to download our China visa case study and see how Hongda helped Sam address his visa problems and ensure the legal stay of him and his family in China!

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Topics: China Visa

Bobby Lee

Bobby Lee

Helping make China companies easy since 2007 as a Senior Consultant



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