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China Business Services Blog

Where foreign investors in China go to stay updated

April 21, 2023

What License Do you Need to Start Food Business in China

Consider running your food operation in China and enjoy the benefits of the great food market. Applying for food operation licenses is "first-thing-first"! Let's take a look at the license you may nee...
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April 18, 2023

Setting Up A WFOE In China: The Process Explained [2023]

If you follow this blog, you may have read articles on the differences between WFOEs (pronounced “wuh-fee”), Representative Offices (ROs), and Joint Ventures (JVs)– on the different types, the Pros an...
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November 21, 2022

2023 Guide to Setting Up Your New Business In China

China is developing at a surprising speed and creating more business opportunities globally. As a foreigner, you may want to play your part in the Chinese market by forming your own company in China, ...
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September 14, 2022

Selling Your Products Online in China as a Foreign Company

As a foreign company looking to sell products in China, it can be quite challenging to grasp the legal requirements and a steep learning curve to understand which are the best avenues to focus on.
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August 24, 2022

How To Open A Taobao Store & Alipay Account In China?

China offers a huge market of over a billion eager consumers that foreign companies are increasingly planning to sell their products to. If that sounds like you, you may be wondering which of the many...
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July 20, 2022

Managing Your Chinese Company During The Pandemic [FAQ]

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it has become more important than ever for foreign investors to manage their Chinese companies remotely. Despite the lack of access to China due to strict border contr...
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June 24, 2022

What are your Chinese company seals and why are they important?

Seals have been used to stamp important documents in China since ancient times. You might have heard of the large jade seals belonging to the Chinese Emperors: Image credit If you open a new Chinese c...
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January 25, 2022

2023 Guide to Opening a Bank Account in China

Operating a WFOE, wholly foreign-owned enterprise, or any other business in China, isn’t as simple as only securing a business license; you will also need to open a bank account to facilitate your ope...
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January 24, 2022

Combined China Company Setup & Work Visa Application Offer (Q1 2022)

One of our most popular services is our 'Complete China Company Registration Package' where Hongda assist you by opening and providing you with a fully functioning and fully compliant company in China...
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January 20, 2022

Top 4 Alternatives to Opening an Offshore Bank Account for Hong Kong Companies

Considering the territorial advantages of Hong Kong, it comes as no surprise that the majority of WFOE owners choose to open a Hong Kong corporate bank account.
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